Funny Christmas GIFs

Megacurioso - Que tal comemorar o Natal com 15 GIFs animados?

via Muzli design inspiration

via Muzli design inspiration

Play with the coolest Santa! Try our newest minigame! Happy Holidays!  We collaborated with Super Santa for this year’s holiday present. He went ho ho hoverboarding, but left t...

Merry Christmas! Last year I made a festive pack of animated stickers for WeChat. There’s a small sample here and you can check out a few more at

Merry Christmas  by Artua

walk cycle animal by Romain Loubersanes

Merry Christmas! Last year I made a festive pack of animated stickers for WeChat. There’s a small sample here and you can check out a few more at

animade_full1_0.gif (500×500)

Merry Christmas! Last year I made a festive pack of animated stickers for WeChat. There’s a small sample here and you can check out a few more at

If It's Hip, It's Here: Animated Christmas Gifs By Various Artists Bring The Holiday To Life.

Crispe loop christmas cartoon santa

this isn't happiness™ (Check, Deliver, Consume, Recover - James Curran), Peteski

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